Travel insurance

To travel abroad and obtain a visa
  • The lowest price for travel insurance
  • Instant delivery of the policy by email

The direction of the trip
Purpose of the trip
  • Tourism
  • Work
  • Sport
Trip period10 дні

Про компанію:

Туристичний поліс від СК «Респект» забезпечить вас необхідною медичною, технічною, адміністративною або юридичною допомогою.

Страхова компанія на ринку вже понад 28 років. Вона активно розвивається, постійно підвищуючи якість послуг та створюючи нові страхові продукти для задоволення потреб і бажань українців. Компанія зарекомендувала себе як надійний і прогресивний страховик.

Клієнти можуть у будь-який час скористатися онлайн консультаціями або цілодобовою допомогою аварійного комісаріату по телефону.

У компанії працюють виключно кваліфіковані фахівці, які забезпечують індивідуальний підхід до кожного клієнта. Керівництво компанії розробляє довгострокову стратегію діяльності та контролює її виконання.


Телефон: (048) 777 50 03
E-mail: [email protected]

How to buy a travel insurance policy?

Calculate the cost online on our website

Pay in a convenient way for you

Receive your policy by E-mail within 3 minutes

What is digital insurance policy and how does it work

E-policy is a digital document that is 100% equivalent to a paper version, has a digital signature and the same legal force. If necessary, the policy can be printed from any electronic medium (telephone, computer, etc.).

The advantage of an e-policy over a paper counterpart is the ability to receive insurance by e-mail from anywhere in Ukraine in a matter of minutes, without visiting the office. And this is time saving and a way out of force majeure situations.

Why do you need an insurance policy and what its price depends on

Going on vacation, business trip or study in another country - do not forget to buy a medical insurance policy for those traveling abroad "OneClick" - this is a mandatory attribute of a traveler. Medical care abroad can cost a fortune, with the "OneClick" policy you get guaranteed assistance anywhere in the world.

10 years of work
6, 7 thousand policies purchased
1 781 thousand UAH paid

What you need to know when choosing a policy:

Family vacations are a time when you can truly enjoy communicating with your loved ones. Sometimes you get not only a lot of joy and impressions, but also health problems (injuries, colds, poisoning, acute toothache, and so on).

In order to avoid family financial costs, it is necessary to take into account several nuances when taking out insurance:

  • Be sure to issue a policy for each family member;
  • For full coverage of insured events - choose the maximum insured amount;
  • Choose additional accident coverage;
  • In the event of an insured event, immediately contact the "OneClick" hotline and follow the instructions of the insurance company.

Do sports or actively relax while traveling and buy a standard travel policy, trying to save on insurance. In the event of an insured event after active recreation, medical expenses will not be covered, and this is your additional and unplanned expenses.

To avoid this, note the following:

  • When applying for insurance, indicate the true purpose of the trip:
  • - Active rest - bright emotions during the trip - scootering and quad biking, cycling, rafting on boats, etc .;
  • Extreme sports - adrenaline, overcoming yourself on the way to the goal, new thoughts, feelings, knowledge, thanks to skiing / snowboarding, mountaineering, speleotourism, hunting, etc .;
  • In the event of an insured event, contact the hotline immediately and follow the instructions.

Are you a business person? Does your business require frequent travel abroad?

You need a policy that covers an unlimited number of trips throughout the year;
24/7 assistance around the world.

For the visa

We are accredited in all embassies, consulates and visa centers based on the decision LIOU.

Only 2 documents:

  • International passport;
  • Identification code.


Order a service

In case of an insured event: